Camilla: Brother Pheasant's Journey 21
Pheasant came out through same arch of hawthorne branches that had welcomed him at the very beginning of his journey…long ago? A moment ago? A year? He had no idea.
Little princess was there, already waiting for him.
“Anytime you want to visit again, P.”
“Thank you, dear. You were most helpful.”
It felt amazing to be back. The billowing dunes and blue skies felt like a warm embrace. The oak sapling greeted him, but seemed a little tense. Something was somehow a bit different.
He felt a warm gush of happiness even before he turned around.
Aidyl. His beautiful, big, white friend, right here on his little island.
“Aidyl! How is this possible? I thought I could only find you in one of Mother Gaia’s inner worlds??”
“Greetings, little brave one. Well, you did go into the Heart of Hearts. And you are relaxing back into loving consciousness, so much that I can easily reach you here.”
“I am so happy to see you again!”
He was the size of one of her claws.
“I had to come and see you again my friend. I have something for you.”
“For me? A gift?”
“Yes. You need a name. A name carries and charges your spirit. It is very important to have a good name. As you know, I had a weak name before you found help for me, but you have no name at all! This is not good.”
Pheasant swallowed anxiously.
“Your name from now one will be Percy. It means ‘piercing the valleys’ and THAT is exactly what you did. You entered Mother Earth’s inner worlds and you pierced them with your big heart. You and those worlds became better, more colourful, more loving, because of your journey.
“Thank you, Aidyl.”
“You are welcome. If you ever need me, you just call for me, ok?”
“I will do that. You too. If you ever need me, just call on me.” He put his chest out and held his tail feather high.
Aidyl laughed so hard that the young oak tree got worried she might accidentally set him on fire. Then she left, like a beautiful, thorny cloud across the sky.
Percy stayed, knowing that he and Aidyl would always be close from now on.
“I’m Percy, piercer of the Valleys”, he whispered.
Then he went about his business, just like any other day.
Then he went about his business, just like any other day.
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