Cecilia : Dec 19th, The Promise, Day 19

We had travelled through the early morning, followed by the fullnext day after the arrival of all the spirit animals through Fire & Ice. We were well rested after an evening and half a night of quiet comfort tucked in underneath the northern lights. Now the Morning Star was taking over the shift from the North Star. All was sparkly around us – the snow, the sky, the twilight, the breath we all shared. Even the sound of the silence around us seemed to sparkle.

There was a glimmering sparkle around her eyes, around her nose, her whole fur and the crown of all sparkle -  that soul spark in her eyes. 

Our whole Tribe From All Directions had split up before we took rest. 

The Crowned Spirit Bears travelled with the Silver Alves, the Cold Trolls would rather trek with the Samoyed Knights, the Nisse felt more at home navigating with the horses.

We – White Wizard, Jake and myself – travelled alongside the wolves and the Husky Queens. With Raven and Owl taking the lead of course.

As we sat there, White turned towards me, nudging me.

“Remember this is a soul quest. The portal is for yoursoul, to be opened by your diamond in the heart. We all have our own portals to enter for our own souls along this journey. As one star-diamond in the heart ignites, it lights a flame in the other heart-diamonds of our humongous tribe. Keep writing outside the lines, feel all you are feeling and just welcome the portal. The journey is happening anyway. Your task is to make sure you are travelling with your pack, leaving the outward directions for what they are. HaveTrust. Faith.”

“White”, I replied. “White, that is what you are for me. Trust. Faith. Purpose. Strength. Wisdom. And I want to, I so badly want to, let my heart follow my nose like you. I so desire to feel the wisdom of the Ages, of the Earth, weaving through my system as I walk this journey with paws connecting with All That Is. The way you do.”

“Melvinia, dear”, White drowned me in her presence. “Walk over there. Clear the snow off the surface, look yourself in the mirror of the lake, in the light of the moon.”

I did as she told.

The face looking back at me… Grey fur, yellow eyes, fluffy wintery coat, nose sprinkled with snowsparkle. Grey Wolf. How could this be?

“It is your soul looking back at you”, she motioned. “Look through these eyes the coming days and see what happens. And remember you can only recognize in others what already lives in you.”      

The coming days? How close, or how far away, is the portal?

-      Cecilia Götherström, Dec 19th2018 


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