Cecilia / The Promise, Dec 5th, Part 5

Photo by Konsta Punkka - http://www.konstapunkka.com 

”Melvinia, Melvinia! Wake up! This is not really the best place for daydreaming!”
I looked to my right where the tiny voice was coming from. Nothing.
”Melvinia, Melvinia! Over here!” I looked again. The same direction. Still nothing.

Next to the red flannel blanket we were all sharing a small head peaked out from a tiny snow cave.
”It´s me, Jake! The yellow necked mouse, you know!”
Now I saw him.

”Hi Jake. Pleased to meet you. How do you know my name?”
”How could I not ? This is your story. We all know you and your friends have been working on the portal for years and years and yearrrrrs with the help of all of us. Now it´s just about us helping you out to find it again so that you can fulfill your promise. Like we all have our promise to fulfill.”

He jumped up in to one of the sleds.
”It will be easier for to travel in here. As ling as you make sure them owls and them ravens keep their claws out of my back.”

”No problem”, Wizard chuckled, tucking Jack in the sled. ”Consider it done!”

Fox started rolling up the blankets. I got up to help. Dusted the snow flakes off my hands, grabbed the blankets behind the other sleds. We´d been travelling for days. This glacier seemed endlessly huge. Wizard had explained that it was important to plateau often, to acclimatize, to soak up and linger in knowing. Which is why, he told, the glacier seemed so vast the first time you visited. Based on how much you were able to let go, just be and soak in the whispers of the glacier your next trip across would be significantly shorter or longer. If you were not able to listen from the diamond in your heart it might take a whole lifetime to travel back and forth across these icy , crevasse filled plains. Most people rarely ever even made it to the glacier though Wizard said.

Today we were heading towards the woods slightly below the next mountain top, which meant a minor descent before heading up behind Linxi , the cave at the head of this giant mountain. After that heading uphill again to the upper glacier. From there it was said you could jump straight in to Ursa Major if you wished and come out on the other side.

”Just follow the North Star! Off we go!” Ralph, the chief of the Samoyed Knights took the lead.

-       Cecilia Götherström, Dec 5th 2018 


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