Cecilia/ Sacred.

Part 5. December 5th 2020.


“What you seek is seeking you. What you ssssseek isssss seeeeeking youuuuuhhh…”


The whispers carried through the air to the tree stump where Samantha was sitting observing the morning star making its presence intensely clear in the dawn sky.


She looked around in all directions. Where did that voice come from?


“What you seek is seeking you…”


Was it the air that spoke? No, it was the space which had the possibility for air that whispered.


“What you seek is seeking youuuuuuu….”


“What am I seeking?”, Samantha asked herself quietly. “If I don’t know what I am seeking, then how can I ever meet what is seeking me?”


“Girl, you’ve got to keep turning those stones in your heart over. Get the churning going so to say.” Josephiel lifted his gigantic dragon head up from below the fresh snow cover he was resting under.


“Churning and turning?” Samantha felt a little bewildered.


“Yeah, it’s all physics! Or chemistry! Or… Whatever! It’s all vibration!”, Josephiel replied. “Everything moves, nothing is stuck, nothing is ever still – except stillness itself then, but that’s a different story and dimension. Pardon the side track but yeah, things can feel clogged at times yet never ever forever if you just get movin’. And you can always, always change the rhythm, stir things up, slow things down. Simply, be the vibration. Then you can hear. Hear what is calling you and call in what is essentially calling you. There’s your meeting!”


Vayu the little bundleball of a wolfpup was waking up too, yawning his great morning yawn.

“Exquiiiiizzzze me while I go sing my morning song to all the stars and all the moons”. He stretched, shook the snow off his tail and took off towards the frozen river bank.


“Go join him Sister”, Josephiel nudged to Samantha. “He is your heartkingdom and you are his. Go sit next to him in stillness as he serenades. In that stillness you understand the turning, the churning, the calling and the welcoming. Sacred is the stillness. Holy is your meeting. Gorgeous is the morning hour, for that is where all is revealed, all is understood, all is unspun. Concious Dawn is the most important practice for each human heart.”


Samantha ploughed her way through the knee deep snow following the skipping wolf pup. What a joy his body projected! Would she feel the same if she skipped down to the river too? Only one way to find out, right?


Vayu turned around and challenged her to sprint. 


“Sacred Fierceness” the wind in the air in the space whispered.




-       Cecilia Götherström, Dec 5th 2020.


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