Part 18. December 18th 2020.
There was something different about this morning star. Usually as the dawn turned in to morning the light of the morning star would fade in to the blueness of the new dawn. Today it didn’t. It grew brighter and stronger by every moment passing.
“Polaris”. Barry spoke.
“What?” Marcus asked. “I thought Polaris was in the skies with your ancestors and that morning star was always Venus?”
“Polaris, Star of The North, Venus, Dawn Light, The Star Which Leads The Way or simply Star. She is guiding us right now. And we shall follow, no matter what name we feel she has.”, Grey filled in.
“Wiseass Wolf!”, Barry laughed as he shot a pawful of snow towards the wolf.
“Posh Polar Bear!”, Grey ducked just a little too late.
The pack was ready to leave. It seemed everyone knew where they were heading or at least what was going on. Aside from Marcus.
“My dear human”, Grey looked his way. “Just listen with the sense you use when you write your music. It knows where we are heading. It knows what we sense. There is no difference between your senses and ours, believe that to be as true as we know it is.”
The bright star shone even more lucid in the sky now. It seemed to move and then stopped between two of the highest peaks in the mountain range northwards.
“All I can sense is something I can just translate as “the moonstones are calling” “, Marcus replied.
“What have I told you about that darn translating Marcus?”, Barry was getting slightly upset. “Every time you use that phrase you deny yourself the trueness of the moment. The chance of living Life inside Life then stays on the other side of that veil you just wrote in to the equation”.
“OK, OK, OK”, Marcus got his backpack mounted, staff now in hand.
They all got started up the path into the woods leading north. Marcus realized they were heading for the dragon caves in the Mountains of Stillness and Silence.
“How will we be able to find the last pieces of the symphony in The Mountains of Stillness and Silence?” he wondered to himself.
The huge white wolf, the upper guardian of the whole pack whom always took the lead, sent Marcus a picture of a diamond shaped hologram, pulsating all sacred geometry patterns ever created, then nudged at him to come closer.
Marcus walked his way as Storulven spoke “Everything possible and impossible is to be found in The Mountains of Stillness and Silence. Everything ever written, ever danced, ever woven, ever to be, is there. Only there. Through the Moonstone of Granite you can call on your Star as you enter in to your true name of Star Seeker. Step in to your Being with every step you take through these woods, up these mountains my dearest friend and Listen. The Moonstone will speak to us all through The Whispers. Now, walk with me Star Seeker and you shall see that we are not looking for any last pieces for your symphony, we are looking for the everlasting pieces”.
- Cecilia Götherström, December 18th 2020.
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