Cecilia/ Elsa's Song, Dec 16th 2021


As the sun is rising over the suburb and  the castle walls, spreading its morning fire over the rooftops, she speaks gently with a whisper from within her very being.

“Look at all the gold”, she says. “It is dancing on the street, in my fur, inside your heart. It is dancing within our connection”.

I see it. I really do see it! 


Thanking her, I reach down to her height, gently caressing one of her ears. Soft, gingerbread scented, furry red and white ears. She speeds up a bit. Time to go home. There is always a snack and a cuddle after the morning walk so it is time to get the priorities straight.
As we cross the street full of stressful morning commuters she slows down again. She speaks.

“Infuse a bit of sacredness in to everything you do, into every act.” She smiles and speeds up again.



“Sacredness is the key to so many doors”, Starlight explains as Nejla, The Crew, Maddy, Ricky, Luca & The Pack are in anything but a hurry getting everything sorted for the days trek. They are all enjoying the fresh morning air, the rising sun, the warm open fire crackling, the coffee & porridge scent, the dried meat and fish for the four leggeds, and basically just sharing space. Hanging out. In a way it feels like they don’t need to go anywhere, yet the adventure spirit is tugging to move on. Just a bit ahead. Without a real goal. Just to check what is next. While being present with what is.

“I think I just sprinkled my coffee with sacredness”, Nejla jokingly replied.

“I think we just spice every breath with sacredness”, Ricky said while jumping up and down after his dip in the hole he’d made in the ice, initially to fish for the dogs and Maddy.

“Every breath already is sacredness”, Thor the lead dog of Ricky and Luca´s pack barged in, grabbing the last piece of oatmeal porridge left in Nejla’s bowl on the ground. “All you need to do is notice it.”

From in between the trees Alabaster was watching this morning ritual of this "band of relatives” like he´d loving started to refer to them after his last conversation with Snowflake. He was there in the shadows to guide them safely through the Valley of Thorns, which is where they were heading next. It was the only way through to get to the higher ranges. 


The mist of transformation had started spreading out  from the narrow passage way already.

A small, blue butterfly flew through the air, circling the two sleds.


Cecilia Götherström, December 16th 2021



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