Cecilia/ Elsa's Song Dec 17th 2021


17. 1 and 7. 1 plus 7. 8.


Oneness. Magic. Infinity.


The three dragons soared above the mountain tops. There, underneath the sheath of mist, as well as in the other world underneath the ice, two different realities took place. Yet they were still the same.


Through The Valley of Thorns the humans, canines and the one feline were led by the great Alabaster. The whitest of white wolves ever to walk this surface.


Underneath the ice, in the river running through the valley, sparks of wisdom, sparks of Isness started to move, warming up, melting and cracking the ice. In some parts it began to break open.


Oneness, Magic and Infinity were also known as The Trinity of The Dragonhood. The spells had woken them up, calling them in to this dimension. The Adventurer was about to be embodied again. Even though her body had left 15 months ago her soul and presence were everywhere. It was just that the humans forgot to tune in from time to time. Oneness, Magic and Infinity were sort of her knights here on earth whenever the humans needed to be reminded to connect in to what is already there.


I know, if you are a human reading this right now you are most likely saying “if the dragons are soaring and the presence of The Adventurer is everywhere, how can I connect “in”? Shouldn’t  I connect to all  of that outside of me?”

And that’s just it dear human, nothing is outside of you. All and everything is inside of you. The universe is in you. You are not in the universe. All, all, all, my dear human is a mirror. A reflection. Of you, you, you. You are me, I am you, we are us, we are they, they are us.

Oneness. Magic. Infinity.

I might be called Storulven, I might be your guide at times, and your times might feel like eons. But I am you. You are me. We are all aspects of The One.


Nejla, looked to her left. They were moving really fast through this valley. It felt like someone was tugging at them, pulling them through and they were not to stop. Something  had moved her to look to her left. Thick branches surrounded them on the right side, less thick, lower brush grew on the left side. She heard a noise of ice cracking. A humming sound. Like thousands of little voices singing “Om” arising through the cracks in the ice on the other side of the bushes.


“Go, go, go!” Ricky shouted. His pack was moving faster than ever. He turned his head looking back at Nejla and The Crew. “Pick up speed sister dear! Now!”


The Crew sped up. Nejla felt a slight tingle in the back of throat, a slight jump of the heart in to higher gear, for the first time since she embarked on this trip of allowing the journey to unfold. To her left a huge light shone, like fire.


The Fire Dragons had woken up. 

Little sparks of wisdom had collectively opened up the portal of centuries thick ice. 

The air filled with fierce, sparkling Fire Dragons.


Cecilia Götherström, December 17th 2021. 



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