Cecilia/ Elsa's Song Dec 21st 2021


“When the full moon dances in its own light. When its shadow pulls the breath of slivering starlight. When the omens and signs are one and the same. When the exhalation of the pine trees is your sleep, your lingering moments of trust. That is when the moonstone sings to you my child”.

Nejla recognized the lingering song with her heart. It had been spoken before, not too long ago. It touched her soul-strings.

The sun was at its highest in the sky. The longest night and the shortest day was casting long shadows here at midday. Dawn had presented itself earlier in between the waning full moon and the rising sun. Moments of magic, of twilight, of choice as the day broke in to being.

Nejla stood on the plains of the upper ranges, soup-mug in hand, viewing the vast open spaces surrounding her. Every breath up here this time of year created visible mist. Humans rarely ventured up here anymore. They just could not be bothered to take the arduous trek through The Valley of Thorns.

She watched the sun gently moving towards the mountain tops. Soon it would take its dive behind the peaks and the Aurora would be swooshing in.

Rick was gathering all the dogs. This morning they had all gone on a “walking expedition” so that the dogs could have a well-deserved rest after two weeks of constant day treks,. 

Luca the Labrador and Ricky’s husky pack Thor, Kabir, Storm, Wolfie and Saint had taken the lead. Jumping, digging, rolling around in the snow like they were still puppies. The joy rubbed off instantly. 

Nejla and “The Crew” -  her pack with the dear husky Starlight,  the super strong and cuddly Malamute Tuva and the joyful Samoyed Kriya - had tried their best to get Maddy the Magnificent out of her comfortable space in the cargo basket, but the black cat had refused to leave her view place. Off they’d gone without Maddy, jumping, rolling, digging along.

Now it was time for rest. Everyone together around the fire.

A bit higher up to their left Alabasters pack of wolves were resting. Even higher up to the right Snowflakes pack of snow leopards were just waking up, gently stretching and yawning.

“What defines and adventurer I wonder?”, Nejla looked at Starlight.

“It’s not dramatic, it’s subtle.” Starlight replied. “Someone who walks”.

“Just drop it, move on. Change course”, she on the other side of the veil added.

“There are doorways, there are bridges, there are walls. You can break them, run or climb them or you can choose. Choose to listen. To uncover. To align. You can choose to open, to cross, to disintegrate through gentleness.” Starlight continued. “It is not dramatic, it is subtle. Where you go from here is up to you. Your heart is connected. Always. Remember – breath is the doorway, silence is the answer.”

Nejla put her mug down in the snow. Ricky did the same.

“Uncover! Uncover! Uncover! Be!” she took another breath. “Embrace! Embrace! Embrace! Align!” She stood where she stood. Just stood.

Snow under her feet, wilderness in her heart. Huskies, wolves, malamutes, cats, dragons, labradors, snow leopards, samoyeds, friends, stars, songs and winter storms. Nejla was home. Aligned. Her heart was full. She exhaled.

Cecilia Götherström, Dec 21st 2021  


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