Cecilia / Transmissions of Starlight / 11


“This is the tale of Moon and Star. This is the season of no stone left unturned. This is the time of your ripe uncovering”.


Starlight speaks.


“You are thinking too much. “This is the tale of Moon and Star”. This is what we are living right now. Moon and Star. Star and Moon.

The surroundings might feel the same, but they are not. They never are.

Rather than reflecting what you don’t want, what you don’t want to see, what is missing, just turn the crystal diamond shape a few degrees. Watch it reflect what you want, what you do want to see with your inner heart’s eyes glistening back all the abundance truly surrounding you.

Express the abundance. Acknowledge it. Let it know that  you see it; Thank you house, thank you floor, thank you shoes, thank you windows, thank you health, thank you richness of heart, thank you richness of being, thank you for all possibilities out there, thank you!”


““This is the season of no stone left unturned”. Be curious. Look under every stone. Invite the dragons in to move the stones with you. Discover the moss, the rest, the holding, the fertile darkness where you can. Diligently and intentionally plant all the seeds you want. Give them a chance! Speak them in to being. Wide eyes my child, wide eyes.”


“”This is the time of your ripe uncovering”. The time is ripe for the true uncovering. You know the power of words. You know the movement,  the energy body, the dance of magic spheres, the treasure chest on the inside. Now you speak it. Now you live it. Now. This is the time.”


22,2 degrees south.


““The 22nd parallel South is a circle of latitude crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, Australasia, and South America”, Wikipedia says .  It is thus a circle woven by ancient, indigenous and tribal knowledge, creatures of the deep oceans and endless skies, rainforests, deserts, coast, plains, mountains, jungles, forests, beaches. All which symbolizes freedom of the heart for you. Under a slightly different sky then your North Star sky. Yet it does have Starlight. Sirius.”



Cecilia Götherström, Kringlans AdventsKalender 2022



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