Cecilia / Transmissons of Starlight / 3
She is here. Winter.
Glimmer in her eyes.
Joy in her soul.
Glowing breath, sparkle of life.
The Star abides in the sky.
The sky in the heart.
The heart is the sky.
The sky is the heart.
The Star its All.
The Silver Grail speaks. Like clear crystal waters.
No bearing.
No beginning.
No end.
Only the eternal Now. This moment where everything matters. Where everything is present. In the no-thing.
Nothing can be broken. Everything is whole. The outer shells can shatter, can leak. The pieces might break in to more pieces. Yet they do not exist. They are fragments of a self which spoke itself in to existence. On the first day of winter.
Let the pieces disperse. Do not gather them. Let the wind blow, let it sweep. Do not hold on to. Open up. Sit. See. Wait.
Let the silence speak, whisper. Listen.
Transmissions of Starlight.
Know your worth.
Cecilia Götherström, Kringlans AdventsKalender 2022
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