Cecilia/ Transmissions of Starlight 4


She called in the Angels. She called in Source Light. Realizing that you call in what already exists within you, which if you don’t voice and sound it , the powers, the source, the light cannot act. They can only shine. And if you are blind to their light you cannot receive the reflection of that light in your heart. In your star.


The angels said “Let us hold you, let us bow over you, lift you from underneath, surround you, love you, hold you. All you need to do is ask. Ask and surrender.”


“I surrender”. She folded forwards in a bow, a prayer, like a feather flowing to the ground, lightly resting there. “No more fighting. No more. I am done. Done fighting. Done resisting. Done.”


“You are that which you Are”, the angels sang. “ A part of Source Light. Nothing else. The rest is just a coat. A coat of many colours.”


She saw a diamond. A diamond with all its facets. The light shone through. It touched the inside. The inside reflected back. The outside reflected the inside back.


“Where the light comes from is not important. When you feel encumbered by shadow sit in that light,” the Northern Lights swooshed their song her way. Diamonds and crystals of white, green and purple faceting their way through the skies. 


The angels widened their circles. Their light became one with the beaming sky in the darkness.


“Without darkness, no fluorescence. In this dark season all can be folded in, embraced, loved, let go of where needed. Life is one big inhale and exhale. Life is one big expansion and contraction. Its energy is light. Its outcome is light. The deeper the winter dark, the stronger the magic, the stronger the light.”


She exhaled. She sighed. Gave herself to the earth. Done.


A wet little nose against hers. A puppy tongue licking her face, sharp little teeth testing the boundaries on her nose. Love.



Cecilia Götherström, Kringlans AdventsKalender 2022




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