Camilla: Violetta and the pearl 17

I pulled up at miss Mabels house with my bike. Walked up the stairs to the front door and placed the paper bag with tea wrapped with rope and mistletoe right nex to the door, just like last year. Suddenly the lamp just above the yellow door opened. Miss Mabel, already in her night gown and big, soft, burgundy red slippers. Flowery scarf over her hair. She looked so small and frail in the door opening.

-       Good evening miss Mabel, don’t be alarmed, it’s just me. Thought I’d bring you the tea.

-       Well thank you so much, child.

I picked up the bag and handed it over. Miss Mabel received it with trembling hands. She always took good care of herself. There was a sparkle to her.

-       I love this tea, very grateful for miss Mumu making it every year.

-       Well, enjoy it miss. I’ll head back to the market now.

-       Chrysalis? Do you know anything about miss Mumu’s past?

-       Ehm…well I know she had a brother who passed away, if that is what you mean?

-       You know…we are blessed to have a kind soul like Mumu in our town. She takes care of whoever needs it and many of us love her for it. She does have a very troubled past. I think it’s about time you know more about that. You might want to ask her about that sweetheart.

-       Well alright miss Mabel. I might do that.

I got up on my bike but my heart was beating so fast I couldn’t even see where I was heading. I wasn’t sure I could take this. Was Mu in danger? She was the one solid, beating heart in my life. The one that made me able to deal with a mom who was always being blown around like a paper thin leaf in an autumn storm. 

Something was clenching my chest so tightly I had to stop and get off the bike. Inside of me, far away from how things were supposed to be, Mu was my mother. She was the one I could always count on, always go to. The one who could see right through me when I was being a pain. The one who so steadily loved me, I finally felt like I had the right to just be who I am. The right to relax and open up to a life I did not know yet. She could not be ill or have something that risked her being taken away from me. Could not.

Angels were singing, hovering. The light was changing. Flickering light points were floating just above me. It sounded like O Holy night. One of the angels actually sounded like Mr Alberts. I could see the speakers peacefully dangling from their shoe laces above his store.

-       Chrys? Are you ok?

She’s really pale. Can someone bring some water?

-       Chrys? Honey. You’ll be ok. You fainted. Just take it easy, we’ve got you.

Someone was talking to me, I wasn’t sure who it was. I was somewhere in between here and there, all contours seemed faded and the light was dancing before my eyes, blinding me.


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