Cecilia : Meru's Wisdom, Dec 21st


Strong rune of protection. Thor´s rune, some said. The rune of travelling, moving forward, making a good move. The rune of order, of structure, of overcoming difficulties.

Meru smiled. Star sighed. The runes had spoken to the human again this the last morning of the old.
She was protected, divine shelter beaming out through the five wolf hearts, spinning gold and silver stardust threads around “their” human.

Dawn felt different. 

She’d woken up this morning with a voice inside her saying “you are a different person now. As you walk out the door of this morning you are an entirely new one. Your road is paved with shining bricks, with talking dust, with warm loving moss wherever you go. You just make sure you follow the calling now. That you listen.”

She’d cast the runes at breakfast, knowing she would not cast the second one until they were ready to embark on the next step.

Wizard and SilverGrey were all set for them to unite, to go meet up with DragonWhite and Elo at the outskirts of the village. So they all took off together.

At the edge of the valley, where the first house since the abandoned barn where the whole Nisse clan lived stood, they stopped. Wizard was preparing to get another cloak out of the saddlebag, this one gold and bluestone woven, for Dawn. She stopped him right then and there.

“Wizard, dear Wiz, I am not sure I am ready for this. Not sure I want this. I still feel the pull of the trees, the pines calling me. I would much rather just go hang in the woods for another few weeks, months, years…”

“Would you really?” Meru asked her. “Or are you just resisting what you know is your gift to do? Reach inside, ask yourself, take time, listen. Pinecones and moonstones.”

Way nudged Dawn to sit down, resting her red wolf head in the humans lap.

Dawn closed her eyes, travelled inwards. Found herself in a chariot with the man of the rune. Him giving her the reins and jumping out to the sound of a powerful storm. Thunder and lightning changing in to hail, then to snow, to soft winds placing large snowflakes gently on the ground. Dawn landed the chariot in the softness. Stepped out. Allowed Wizard to cloak her in the bluestones silver and gold woven robe. She listened to the whispers of the wind. She opened her eyes.

There, right in front of her, the whole wolf pack lined up. Her heartfamily.

And Wizard. The most “heavenly” Father anyone could ever have. Presenting her with her purpose, cause and future on outstretched arms in the form of this magic cloak woven by every elemental tribe, every element, every season, initiated by the breath of DragonWhite. Would she receive it?

Of course she would. Of course she did.


The rune of the day, of dawn. Of transformation, breakthrough, awareness, happiness, clarity, hope. “Det dagas”.

Cecilia Götherström, Dec 21st 2019  


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