Cecilia: Meru's Wisdom, Dec 13
“Tell me, dear human, tell me the story about the trees and the sparkles. About the blindness to the inner light.”
Way curled up next to Dawn this morning after the 13th full moon. The morning the Queen Of Light paced in.
“My dear Red, my dear Way”, Dawn put one hand on the red wolf’s back, feeling the warmth of Way’s breathing spine through the palm of her hand. One. All Dawn could sense was one-ness. Way turned her head towards Dawn, nodding with her eyes to the one-ness-sense.
“ I could tell you the official story of the tree being put indoors, the one we are taught in school, but that’s not right. I felt it already back then in my bones, in every cell of my being, that it’s just boring, flat, facts.”
“So tell me, dear Dawn, what your heart speaks. Your heart connected to Meru’s Wisdom, connected to all of us.”
Dawn took a moment, gazed through the landscape, soaking it all up with her eyes. Then she began.
“We always revered the tree, the trees. The wisdom unceasingly came to us through them. Then somewhere, gradually, along the line we lost it. We lost the wisdom. We lost the connection. We lost the joy, the spark, the light. Not literally, but we misplaced it. Or maybe it went in to hiding. I don’t know.”
Meru, Star, Elo, Wizard, Craft and Blue the pup joined in. Dawn continued.
“It felt like a long arm reaching out in the dark, grasping, fingers searching, palm sensing. Nothing.
Then somebody remembered the tree. That the tree was the doorway, the gate back to magic, to connection, to light.
She started decorating the trees with sparkles, with stars made of twigs, with shining rocks, with fallen leaves, with adorned pinecones. Gently she felt the light returning inside her heart, her ears, her eyes and soon she even started speaking light. All her words were woven with starlight, connection, silver threads. Alves, the Nisse, giants, trolls, fairies, dwarves, dragons, every being of nature’s realm came out of the perceived darkness, decorating the woods with her. The people of the valley woke up one morning mesmerized with the beauty of the trees, of the serene sense of peace in the woods. They decided they wanted to hold on to this, to bring it indoors.
Little by little they started moving the trees in. Everyone to their own home. Doors closed. One tree in each household. Eyes admiring the beauty. Magic getting sprinkled in their own house. Nisse moved in. He wanted to be the connection between in there and the light of nature out here. It worked for some time. Especially around the 13th full moon. That was a long time ago though.”
“Oh my”, Way replied. “Where and how do we begin with writing the new story?”
“By choosing wisely”, Meru spoke.
Cecilia Götherström, Dec 13th 2019
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