Cecilia : Meru's Wisdom, Dec 10th

 ”Stop, stop, stooooop! Aouch! This caftan is about to rip to pieces if you don’t stop!”

Wizards body had started convulsing in a strange way first. Star knew that if she were to stop shaking the large wand right now she would hurt him more than if she continued.

His whole face had started turning a very deep shade of blue. She had to get him back to the silvery white shade. She kept on rattling, growling, only listening to the ssssing of the aurora borealis and nothing else.

Boom! Thug! Patsch!

Wizard was lifted up in the air. Vertical. Twisting, turning, swaying for a while. Slowly floating just above the treetops.

Star put the wand, now forever marked by her fangs, down. She looked up. The Milky Way seemed to move. She gently howled as if she was whispering, scanning the morning sky with her eyes. The shimmery movement came closer, the shape of a white dragon taking form as it breathed a cloud of softness underneath the feet of Wizard, allowing him to gently descend, feet landing on the pebble beach.

”What is this?” he shook his head, tousled hair flaying in the wind, beard moving along. ”What is going on? Why are you jerking me out of a very important interdimensional job?”

”Because your even more important interdimensional task is right here. In this valley. At this water. With all of us. Pinecones and Moonstones, remember?”

”Pincecones and Moonstones? Already ? I mean, we have waited many different time measurements for this. I just hoped it would not be yet.” 
Wizard looked Star directly in the eyes, waved to the dragon who  had just landed on the island just at the outlet of the fjord. ”And pinecones and moonstones are just the beginning….”

Star shifted forwards, gently put her nose in his palm, her way of giving a cuddle. 
”Wolves and Wizards always meet at the dawn, the old legends sing my old friend. This time Wolves and Wizards will meet with Dawn”.

Cecilia Götherström, Dec 10th 2019


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