Cecilia: Meru's Wisdom , Dec 14th
How appropriate.
The first rune cast was Ihwaz. The yew tree. Being on the right path. Strength, reliability, protection.
“Dawn dear. You dropped a rune too.”
Star pointed with her gaze to the ground just to the left of Dawns feet.
Perdu. Perdth. Secrecy, mystery, something unknown which will be known. Stability, continuity, both feet rooted in Mother Earth.
“Auspicious again”, Way commented.
The wind was picking up, becoming really strong. As soon as they left the shelter of the pines there would be nothing but white, white, white, swirling white to see.
“Walk away”, Craft spoke. “Walk away from all that you know. It’s the only way to find the light. To see the strength. To live in the gold of your own wisdom. It’s not as abrupt as it sounds. It’s a way of living, of being, of moving. Leave what you think you know behind. Be Open To Everything, remember?”
Dawn was beginning to understand - she could not help but laugh inwards when she realized “it was beginning to dawn on her” – that when you kept walking in your same old footsteps you would always arrive at the same door over and over again. Every time a little older, yet no wiser.
“Ho, ho, hoooo”, Wizard was waving his staff in the wind. “We really need to get going in to this wind. Really dive in to it, allowing for that what we cannot see to be felt as we brush past it. Walking through this blizzard will blow away anything unnecessary. The blasting air will drown any thoughts. We will only be able to hear the re-tuning. Transmuting as we are moving.”
“Ihwaz energy is surrounding us right now”, Meru followed. “If you feel it subsiding reach inwards. These symbols are signposts on that inner map which is very much alive.”
“And we can play along the way too”, Blue the pup reminded them all. “No need to get so bloody serious like all them folks down in the valley. Transmuting is da shit. We all change, we all transmute, we all move, we are all aware. Let’s not forget to have fun while we’re at it!”
“I will show the way. My inner compass is wide awake”. Star stepped out in to the storm.
Dawn grabbed her backpack, pulled the beanie further down over her eyebrows.
Cecilia Götherström, Dec 14th 2019
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